Friday, September 18, 2009

What Is The Latest Hair Loss News

What you are about to read may surprise you because there are some interesting developments in the field of hair loss research.Finding out what the latest FDA approved hair loss treatment just might interest you.Along with some research findings that might lead to the discovery of hair recovery. The latest FDA approved hair growth non prescription treatment is a comb.

Not just any type of comb. This comb is a laser device that you use three times a week for approximately ten or fifteen minutes at a time.This is one of the rare non prescription type of treatments that may help in regrowing hair for men. The FDA clearance for this treatment was received in February 2007 and the FDA approval for women approved device is in the making by Lexington.

The clinical study for this device was situated in multiple locations across the United States.The success ratio of this device was 93% of the middle aged participants were that the laser comb significantly increased the number of hairs on the peoples head.Just be assured that growth of hairs was significant enough for the FDA to approve this as a viable method of treating hair loss in men.

The clinical study for women is still ongoing and the results will be given to the FDA for approval shortly. This treatment has given way to the mindset that the only way to grow your hair back is by medication.Hair loss gene may be identified. Researchers are constantly investigating the causes of why hair loss affects us as a people. A very interesting research has given direction on where to look for possible causes of hair loss.

There was a study done that identified a gene labeled LIPH that may be one of the causes of hair loss.Participants in this study that had significant hair loss had a common denominator which was the LIPH gene. This LIPH gene is a protein that is fully understood by scientists just yet but it does play a role in the role of hair formation and growth.

If a finding can be made exploiting the LIPH gene then possible progress can be made towards hair loss. Women and hair loss. Hair loss affects many women in the world and the emotional impact that this has on them is tremendous. However if you are afflicted or starting to have signs of hair loss you certainly can do something about it when you first notice it.

You must treat your hair lightly and don't ignore the problem because it won't go away unless you do something about it. Treat your hair with proper care and your hair will treat you properly. Use gentle shampoos and don't use any additives, conditioners to your hair while your experiencing hair loss. Alternatives to hair loss treatment.

I have mentioned a non prescribed treatment for hair loss for men and a prescribed treatment for women. Both do have results but the question remains if the treatment will work for you? The only way to have an answer to this question is to ask even more questions about people that have used either or both of these treatments. The laser comb treatment has been FDA approved and before that can happen the FDA definitely has to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt with facts and studies that the treatment does work.

AT the present moment a woman with hair loss will have to wait just a bit longer before Lexington submits their findings to the FDA. Prescribed treatments such as Rogaine or cortisone injections or creams may also help in the recovery of hair but may be cost prohibitive unless you have insurance compensation.One of the most frustrating things that a person can have in life is a problem and not knowing where to turn to for information.

Knowing at least what is FDA approved and what is not is a beginning of a quest for the knowledge that you need.With the information you have just read should motivate you to inquire into all categories of information that is offered to you. Hopefully you will find the solution to your hair loss problem with the latest hair loss news from research studies and the latest FDA approval treatments Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


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