What is Normal Hair Loss,Women Ask
A strand of hair grows for between 2 and 6 years and then fall out. A new hair starts to grow in its place. At any one time, about 15% of the hair is resting and the other 85% is growing. Hair is made up of keratin, which is a type of protein. A hair consists of the hair shaft, a root beneath the skin and a follicle from which the hair root grows. The hair bulb is under the follicle. This is where the melanin (hair pigment) is produced.
Baldness or loss of hair occurs when there is no new hair growing in the place of one that has fallen out.When it comes to normal hair loss women do vary in the normal shedding amount. If you usually lose 50 strands of hair and you suddenly start losing 100, this can be indicative of a problem. If you can see more of your scalp or your parting seems to be wider, this can also indicate a hair loss problem.
Around 15% of women in the USA suffer from hair loss, which is also known as baldness or alopecia.This often develops gradually and the hair loss might be diffuse (all over) or in certain patches. Loss of hair is a cosmetic problem. It can also be indicative of an underlying disease or disorder and women suffering from it commonly feel embarrassed or ashamed.
When it comes to normal hair loss women often wonder whether their hair loss is normal or something they should be worrying about.Using harsh shampoos and wearing tight hairstyles or hats can encourage hair loss, as can not getting enough iron in the diet. Women with long hair often brush their hair and find the brush coated in hairs after just one brushing. Since with normal hair loss, women shed around 100 hairs a day, this is nothing unusual.
The best indicators of a hair loss problem is when more of the scalp seems visible that it was before or you can see baldpatchy areas on the scalp. When worried that their hair loss is not normal hair loss, women should seek the advice of a doctor about what could be causing it. There are many reasons for hair loss in women including giving birth, the menopause, stress and recovery from an illness.
Diagnosing the cause usually means ruling out the things that aren't causing it. When thinking about normal hair loss women tend to think that 100 hairs a day is excessive but when you think that 100 new hairs will take their place, this is completely normal.
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